1. 关云山, 李剑锋(共同第一),程芳琴(通讯),赵静,王旭明;Influence of salt concentration on DCMD performance for treatment of high salinity NaCl, KCl, MgCl2 and MgSO4 solutions;Desalination;2015, 355, 110-117.
2. Jianfeng Li, Yunshan Guan, Fangqin Cheng ?, Yu Liu ,Treatment of high salinity brines by direct contact membrane distillation: Effect of membrane characteristics and salinity,Chemosphere,140 (2015) 143–149.
3. Li Cui, Yanxia Guo, XumingWang, Zhiping Du, Fangqin Cheng*, Dissolution kinetics of aluminum and iron from coal mining waste byhydrochloric acid, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23 (2015) 590–596.
4. Da Li , Pingmei Duan, Zhiping Du, Fangqin Cheng*, Yunshan Guan, "A kerosene/aqueous emulsion used as a collector in potash ore desliming flotation" Journal of Molecular Liquids, 209 (2015) 611–616
5. 李达, Xue N(外), 程芳琴*, 杜志平, Sun CY(外),New Technology of KCL Flotation Using Mixed Amine, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY ,27(5):1714-1718.
6. 张圆圆,郭彦霞,程芳琴*,燕可州,曹晏,Investigation of combustion characteristics and kinetics of coal gangue with different feedstock properties by thermogravimetric analysis, Thermochimica Acta, 614 (2015) 137–148.
7. Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianfeng Li,Fangqin Chen*g, and Yanxia Guo, "Study of the Combustion Behaviorand Kinetics of Different Types of Coal Gangue" Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves, 2015;51:1-8.
8. Enze Li , Zhiping Du *, Shiling Yuan , Fangqin Cheng* ,"Low temperature molecular dynamic simulation of water structure atsylvite crystal surface in saturated solution" Minerals Engineering, 83 (2015) 53–58.
9. Yanxia Guo , Huibin Lv, Xi Yang, Fangqin Cheng*, AlCl3 6H2O recovery from the acid leaching liquor of coal gangue by using concentrated hydrochloric inpouring, Separation and Purification Technology, 151 (2015) 177–183.
10. Li Cui, Fangqin Cheng*, Jingfang Zhou. Behaviors and Mechanism of Iron Extraction from Chloride Solutions Using Undiluted Cyphos IL 101. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res,2015, 54 (30), 7534–7542 .
11. XUE Fangbin, SONG Huiping, JI Yinglu, CAO Liqiong, CHENG Fangqin*, Hydrothermal hot-pressing solidification of coal fly ash with calcium hydroxide, Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, 2015,12(3):143-148.
12. Guodong Zhang a,b, Yan Jiao c, Duu-Jong Lee b,d,?;Transformation of dissolved organic matters in landfill leachate–bioelectrochemical system;Bioresource Technology ;191 (2015) 350–354
13. Guodong Zhang a,b, Qingliang Zhao c,1, Yan Jiao d, Duu-Jong Lee b,e,?;Long-term operation of manure-microbial fuel cell; Bioresource Technology; 180 (2015) 365–369。
14. Guodong Zhang a,b, Yan Jiao c, Duu-Jong Lee b,d,?;"A lab-scale anoxic/oxic-bioelectrochemical reactor for leachate treatments"; Bioresource Technology; 186 (2015) 97–105.
15. Zhiping Du,*ab Xiaofeng Sun,b Xiumei Tai,b Guoyong Wangb and Xiaoying Liub ;"Synthesis of hybrid silica nanoparticles grafted with thermoresponsive poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate via AGET-ATRP?"; RSC Advances; 2015, 5, 17194–17201.
16. Zhiping Dua,b,?, Xiaofeng Sunb, Xiumei Taib, Guoyong Wangb, Xiaoying Liu; Optimizing conditions of preparation of thermoresponsive SiO2-POEGMA particles via AGET-ATRP; Applied Surface Science; 329 (2015) 234–239.
17. Zhiping Du,* ,?,?,§ Jieqiong Qin, ?,§ Wanxu Wang, ? Yanyan Zhu, ? and Guoyong Wang*; Synthesis, Surface Activities, and Aggregation Behaviors of Butynediol-ethoxylate Modified Polysiloxanes; The Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 2015, 119, 14180?14187 .
18. 李咏玲,梁鹏翔、范远、程芳琴*,Butynediol-ethoxylate Modified Polysiloxanes,环境化学2015,,34(11):2077-2084.
19. 关云山,武警,程文婷,李剑锋,程芳琴*,王旭明,膜蒸馏-结晶耦合从高浓度KCl-MgCl2-H2O 溶液中回收KCl, 化工学报, 66(5)1767-1776.
20. 张晓曦,成怀刚*,程芳琴,,雾化氛围中二氧化碳调节含氨溶液pH值的研究水, 能源化工, 36(2)78-81.
21. 段平梅,杜志平*,李达,李恩泽,程芳琴,温度对十八胺在饱和溶液中性能的影响, 精细化工, 32(6)1-5.
22. 段晓芳,方"莉,杨凤玲,曹丽琼,程芳琴*, 氧化铝对煤矸石提铝废渣制备水玻璃的影响,环境工程学报, 9(5)2399-2404.
23.杨凤玲 ,韩海忠 ,曹 希 ,张培华 ,李毓婷 ,程芳琴 ,生物质型煤的制备及微观结构分析, 洁净煤技术, 21(1)6-10 .
24. 薛芳斌,杨喜,郭彦霞,杨凤玲,程芳琴*, 由煤矸石酸浸液通氯化氢气体制备流水三氧化铝,无机盐工业, 2015,4(137)47-50.
25. 张圆圆、杨凤玲、程芳琴*,煤矸石中高岭石的脱羟基特点及动力学研究, 煤炭转化, 2015,38(3)78-81.
26. 梁慧斌、杜志平*、李达、程芳琴,气象色谱法测定KCl浮选捕收剂十八胺的含量,化学试剂, 2015,37(8)711-714.
27. 张云云、郭剑锋、成怀刚、程芳琴* 卤水兑盐--保温蒸发制备低钠光卤石研究, 无机盐工业,2015,47(9):27-34.
28. 李浩宇、薛芳斌、刘建强、宋慧平、程芳琴*,煤矿井下巷道喷涂材料的现场试验研究 ,能源化工, 2015,36(4):73—76.
29. 杨凤玲、曹希、韩海忠、张培华、高靖宇、娄慧如、程芳琴*,高效复合型煤粘结剂的性能及应用研究,洁净煤技术, 2015年,21(5):1-7.+
30. 王菁、王苗婕、杨凤玲、方莉、程芳琴*,煤矸石酸浸废渣制白炭黑工艺中杂质影响研究,无机盐工业, 2015,47(10):57-60.
31. 狄子琛,旭荣华,曹全福,张培华,杨凤玲,程芳琴 *,煤矸石破碎工艺模拟与优化, 洁净煤燃烧, 2015,21(6):15-21.
32.张圆圆、李浩宇、杨凤玲、程芳琴*,.矿物加工机械三维模型技术的应用及发展,煤炭工程, 2015,47(6):125-128.
33.张敏、吴志跃、张国栋、成怀刚、程芳琴*,非对流层数对太阳池性能的影响,可再生能源, 2015,,33(12):1778-1784.
34. 武警、张翠钰、李剑锋*、程芳琴、郭毅民、师晋恺,膜蒸馏处理焦化废水生化出水的实验研究, 工业用水与废水,2015,,46(6):13-17.
35. 赵瑜、程文婷*、程芳琴,碳酸钠助熔粉煤灰提取Al2O3的研究, 中国科技论文, 2015,,10(21):2513-2517.
36.刘建强、杨凤玲、宋慧平、程芳琴*,煤矿井下壁面封堵涂料的制备实验,粉煤灰综合利用, 2015,,6:14-17.
37. 赵瑜, 谢宇琪, 郭彦霞*, 程文婷, 程芳琴;利用粉煤灰硫酸浸取液制备十二水硫酸铝铵;环境工程学报;2015,9(12):6024-6040。
38. 付梦源、程芳琴、程文婷、杜志平、成怀刚;沉淀结晶法制备不同形貌的碳酸镁水合物,盐业与化工,2015,44(12):24-29.
39. 付梦源,程文婷,程芳琴;AlCl3·6H2O在Fe(III)–K–Ca–Cl–H2O体系中溶解度的测定,中国科技论文在线。
40. 熊英莹1,谭厚章2;湿式相变冷凝除尘技术对微细颗粒物的脱除研究;洁净煤技术; 21(2)20-24.
41. 赵瑞彤1.一,王菁1。段晓芳1。方莉;-煤矸石酸浸废渣制备白炭黑的工艺研究木;无机盐工业; 47(5)53-57.