1. Zhiping Du , Enze Li,Guojin Li, Fangqin Cheng ,Guoyong Wang, One-step strategy for synthesis of yolk-shell silica spheres using trisiloxane-tailed ionic liquids as a template,J Mater Sci,(2014)49:4919-4926.(SCI二区)
2. Ruifang Qiuab, Fangqin Chenga, Rui Gaob & Jianfeng Lia, Ammonia nitrogen removal from micro-polluted river by permeable reactive barriers: lab-scale study with steel slag and fly ash brick in combination as reactive media, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52 (2014) 365–374.(SCI)
3. Ruifang Qiua,b, Fangqin Chenga,*, Xuming Wangc, Jianfeng Lia, Rui Gaob, Adsorption kinetics and isotherms of ammonia-nitrogen on steel slag, Desalination and Water Treatment,(2014):1-9.(SCI)
4. Yanxia Guo,†Qian Zhao,†Kezhou Yan,†Fangqin Cheng,*,†and Helen H. Lou‡,Novel Process for Alumina Extraction via the Coupling Treatment of Coal Gangue and Bauxite Red Mud, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, . 2014, 53, 4518−4521.(SCI二区)
5. Yanxia Guo, Kezhou Yan, Yaoyao Li, Fangqin Cheng*, Helen H. Lou; Effect of Na2CO3 additive on the activation of coal gangue for alumina extraction; International Journal of Mineral Process; 2014 (131), 51–57.(SCI)
6. Huiping Song, Huaigang Cheng, Zepeng Zhang, Fangqin Cheng; Adsorption properties of zeolites synthesized from coal fly ash for Cu (II); Journal of Environmental Biology; 2014, 35: 983-988.(SCI)
7. Huaigang Cheng, Nan Wang, Huiping Song, Fangqin Cheng; Effect of calcium sulfate dehydrate and external electric field on the sedimentation of fine insoluble particles; Desalination and Water Treatment; 2014, 1-10.(SCI)
8. 方莉、段晓芳、陈荣明、程芳琴*, An Effective Utilization of the Slag from Acid Leaching of Coal-waste: Preparation of Water Glass with a Low-temperature Co-melting Reaction, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association , 2014,(64)887-893.(SCI)
9. Da Li1, a, Fangqin Cheng1, 2, b *, Jianfeng Li 1, c, Yunshan Guan2, A numerical study of flow field in a hydrocyclone for potash ore desliming, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 448-453 (2014) : 3847-3850.(EI)
101. Song Huiping, Zheng Nan, Xue Fangbin, Cheng Fangqin; Study on thermal insulation zeolite by cola fly ash; Journal of Nanomaterials; 2014, 1-6(SCI)
11.Huaigang Cheng, Huiping Song; Investigation of bio-removing metal ions from wastewater―a viewpoint of micro forces; Desalination and Water Treatment; 2014, (9): 1-13.(SCI)
12. Huaigang Cheng, Xiaoxi Zhang, Huiping Song; Morphological Investigation of Calcium Carbonate during Ammonification-Carbonization Process of Low Concentration Calcium Solution; Journal of Nanomaterials; 2014, (503696): 1-7.(SCI)
13. 郭彦霞,杨喜,崔慧霞,程芳琴*,杨凤玲, AlCl3•6H2O在盐酸体系中的结晶行为,化工学报,(2014,65(10):3960-3967)。
14. 郭彦霞 张圆圆、程芳琴*,煤矸石综合利用的产业化及其展望,化工学报,2014,65(7):2443-2453.
15. 杨喜,崔慧霞,郭彦霞,薛芳斌,程芳琴*;煤矸石中的铝、铁在高浓度盐酸中的浸出行为; 环境工程学报; 2014,8(8):3403-3408.
16. 纪莹璐、宋慧平、程芳琴、张培华; 水热热压法制备地质聚合物; 粉煤灰综合利用; 2014,5:22-25.
17. 郑楠,宋慧平,薛芳斌,程芳琴*,建筑外墙隔热保温涂料的实验研究,山西大学学报(已接收)
18. 孙阳、成怀刚、程芳琴*、许涛,利用脱硫石膏固废强化煤泥水沉降的研究,山西大学学报,2014(1):137-147.
19. 张泽鹏、宋慧平、程芳琴、韩涛、温凯; 镁渣对粉煤灰免烧砖性能的影响研究; 粉煤灰综合利用; 2014,6:36-39.
20. 薛占金,秦作栋,孟宪文; 2010年汾河流域土地退化经济损失评估分析; 水土保持通报; 2014,34(3),295-299.
21. 边红利、王楠、赵仲鹤、成怀刚; 国外盐湖综合利用进展; 化学工业与工程技术; 2014, 35(2): 69-72, 73.
22. 燕可洲,郭彦霞,张俊才,章清; 潞安矿区煤矸石用于氧化铝提取的研究; 煤炭转化; 2014,37(4)85-90.